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Mapping the transformation


Alta Scuola Politecnica

11th cycle - Summer School 2015

July, 20th – 24th Sestriere (TO)

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1. TNE – A zone, commercial zone (project)

The zone has been planned for hosting a new mall. It was the site of the gasometers within the Fiat compound. The land reclamation has been completed. This is one of the main sites to be used as an economic leverage for public development in the area.


2. TNE – A zone, design square

Between the design centre (3) and the commercial zone (1) there should be a pedestrian square, accessible only to emergency and service vehicles. The cost of its transformation could be covered by the fees coming from the development of the commercial zone


3. design centre Polito

The Design Centre hosts the industrial design school of Politecnico. It was developed in 2008 and it is connected to the dismissed DAI warehouse (3.1.). It hosts about 1500 students.


3.1. TNE – A zone, former DAI warehouse

The site is an empty building, partly renovated in the zone (3). There are many hypothesis about the destination of the remaining part: at the moment the plans are indicating a mixed use for offices and services. It is possible to think about its complete demolition. The warehouse occupy a 37000 sqm surface and there is an ongoing competition for its temporary use.


4. TNE - A zone, northern side

The zone has to be reached by cars and can be developed as students residential area, offices and private services. There is the option to develop an underground level for parking lots. Land reclamation is to be done.


5. Mirafiori Square

The project for a square in the intersection between Corso Settembrini and Corso Orbassano comes from the infrastructural project of Corso Marche (10). Many different hypothesis were made about its destination. This is public land, since it lays on the existing infrastructural areas. The general layout defines a road ring on the external perimeter, to connect all the different boulevards around. This ring isolates the internal land of the square from the surroundings. The square is waiting for a new project: some drafts designed it as an underground parking with a green park on it, some others as a dense block of skyscrapers for offices, connected with pedestrian bridges to the mall (1). The preliminary project of the metro line provides for a station upon/under the square. The area is crossed by underground tunnels for trains and trucks, connecting the FIAT industrial areas.


5.1. residential areas (project), Strada del Portone

The zone has been considered recently for new residential and commercial development of a new neighbourhood (also with services and schools). There is a unique private owner. The zone would raise on the side of the urban axis of Corso Marche (10). There are not any developers interested in the big operation, until now – and consequently no urban detail plans start without a concrete proposal by privates. In case of a development of the area there would be also the public funds for realizing the boulevard next to it.


5.2. areas to be redeveloped, Corso Orbassano

This fabric of small commercial buildings is widely incoherent and would require a radical redesign. The activities are scattered, the properties are fragmented. This triangle of land could be progressively redeveloped and integrated with the project of the neighbourhood on its West side (5.1.).


6. TNE - B zone

The zone contains many different dismissed buildings: offices, warehouses. It is possible to consider its complete redevelopment for productive use, offices and public services (not residential). It is on sale at present. Along the western edge of the B and the C zone (7) there is the ongoing project of a new green strip with a bike pathway (7.1.). A new enterprise found place here in the last months (Tecnocad Progetti, which occupied the building of the former “Centro Stile”).


7. TNE - C zone

The C zone has been designed for hosting new innovative factories, according to a detailed plan, which was approved in 2010. In the next months the first private actor will move in the zone, Centrale del Latte (the Milk Factory), having bought a 47000 sqm parcel for its new headquarters.


7.1. Bicycle path

Thanks to the compensative funds coming from the development of the TRM incineration plant (15), the green pathway is going to be built, as a connection between the southern neighbourhood and the agricultural areas of Grugliasco.


8. Metro line, wagon depot and repair hangar

The preliminary project of the metropolitan line drafted the arrival of the line to Mirafiori Square (5), then passing to the depot and the repair/maintenance hangar in the surroundings of the cemetery. The option of starting the new metro line 2 from the southern side of the city has been recovered in the last year: it is as an alternative to the development starting in the northern areas of Variante 200 plan (because of its ineffectuality, and the lack of space for finding a good placement of the depot and the hangar). The Metro arrival system would include a new public parking, and it could be underground or above ground.


9. FIAT underground infrastructures (road-rail tunnels)

The connections between the logistic area of the Fiat factory (13) and the production compound (14.1. and 14.2.) pass underground crossing many zones of the districts. There are rail and truck tunnels, necessary to transfer the cars to the factory station. The infrastructural system of the factory includes totally 11 km of underground roads and 20 km of railway. It was designed for a mass production of cars, which reached the amount of 200.000 vehicles/year in the 70s and 80s. In 2013 Mirafiori produced only around 20.000 cars.


10. highway junction and urban boulevard of Corso Marche

The Corso Marche Project was approved in 2009 by the Province Government, through an agreement between different cities (Torino, Grugliasco, Collegno, Venaria, Beinasco) which should have to adapt their urban plans to the new project. Corso Marche project includes three levels of infrastructure: railway-high velocity train (underground lower level); highway (underground upper level); urban boulevard (ground level). The project, after six years since its approval, doesn’t seem to have any further progress. The Mirafiori Square represents the southern end of the urban boulevard of Corso Marche.


11. Sangone River Park

The Park has been recovered since 2006 and the project is still ongoing. The City of Torino is progressively buying the areas along the river, trying to convert the illegal vegetable gardens, dumps, abusive occupations within a continuous green belt. At present the project reaches the areas beneath the via Plava Neigbourhood (12) and it could become an important leisure zone for the inhabitants. The ark contains also the ruins of the Miraflores Castle, which gave the name to the entire site.


11.1. Former Fiat Avio factory (disused)

The Fiat Avio was dismissed at the end of the nineties. Today the site is destined to be reconverted to a public green space.


11.2. electric power plant



12. via Plava Neighbourhood

The residential area of via Plava neighbourhood was developed in 1962-1965 for the INA-casa social housing program. The settlement is composed by 15 buildings of 8 floors. Today many apartments are empty and their market price is very low. The collective green areas have a good quality, but there is a lack of commercial services. At the ground level there are the garages, often not used.


13. FIAT rail yard and parking

See (9).


14.1. FIAT Mirafiori north

The former Mirafiori Fiat factory was built in 1939, on the Northern side of Corso Settembrini. In 1947 the production of the Fiat 500 started. During the 50s there were 20.000 workers. Today the factory is still open, but almost completely inactive.


14.2. FIAT Mirafiori south

In 1956 the second part of the Fiat industrial plant opened. In the 70s there were 50.000 workers employed in the Mirafiori compound. Today they are about 5.400. Fiat Company (now FCA) dismissed part of its peripheral areas (around 300.000 sqm) in 2005 to the public Society TNE, which is managing their present redevelopment. The overall surface of the Fiat Mirafiori area is 2.000.000 sqm.


15 TRM incineration plant (out of frame)

The plant opened in 2014, and it is planned for producing thermal and electrical energy for the city. It eliminates 1.200 tons of garbage/day and can provide for 350.000 MegaWatt/h per year, saving about 40 million € per year from the National energetic expense. As an environmental compensation for the plant, the area received funds for developing green infrastructures, such as the green pathway along vi Anselmetti (7.1.)

Alta Scuola Politecnica; 11th cycle - Summer School 2015; July, 20th – 24th Sestriere (TO)

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